
29/07/11 – These Days, I Have Nothing

Hello! See? I’ve comitted…

This evening is my last in Wales for just over two weeks, as I’m going away. Today, therefore, was reserved for the appropriate preparations for an extended absence.
One of which was adding new music to my ipod. I did so, I added the newly purchased songs to the device in the usual manner with no apparent problems.
Later, as I decide to have a cheeky listen to some of it as I try and sleep, and I find that a LOT of my other music had gone. Vanished.
This fault set off a chain of events that basically led me to having to WIPE my ipod free of any content. All my songs and carefully uncarefully constructed playlists had gone.
This was very upsetting! It was almost as if a lifeless metal/plastic gadget had rejected my taste of music, ready to be replaced by any old rubbish.
And that’s when I thought…is this sort of incident what leads middle-aged people to have a more dull taste in music? and in many cases to be more technophobic? Perhaps we shouldn’t be judging 40-year-olds as having bad taste and a lack of ability to adapt to technology…perhaps they are actually suffering from ipod-wipe-trauma…

Then came the business of replacing my music unto the ipod, seeing as I am not actually 40. Unfortunately there’s too many songs on my computer for my wanker ipod to handle, and as it’s getting late and I needed sleep, clicking and dragging each song individually back onto my ipod wasn’t the way forward, and so I needed an alternative.
iTunes offered me the option of selecting which artists and playlists to be synchronised (put) onto my iPod. This seemed manageable.
It seemed odd though, picking and choosing which bands to include and which to exclude. I sort of felt like a scaled-down Oskar Schindler. Scaled down rather a lot in terms of importance, obviously, but the responsibility still felt overwhelming. I was forging my music taste for what could be my best years, if I left any good’uns out, it could be grave. Meanwhile, I had to be decisive, given my restricted iPod-memory budget.
It was tough, but I think I’ve done ok….

Ooh that reminds me, do go and see Schindler’s List, it really is a wonderful film. Tragic, yet heroic.
And no iPod accidents.

S x

ps. In case you’ve forgotten/were wondering, all the titles are song titles. Barrel of fun, I am…


26/07/11 – Diamond Eyes

Ok, this time I am definitely going to commit to this blog, and resuscitate it to its former glory.

Since I last contributed to this blog, I have done many things; formed a band, started stand-up and failed my A-levels. I haven’t had my exams results yet, but I don’t want to jynx them.

So far, what may turn out to be the longest summer ever* has consisted of eating, sleeping, drinking, and lazing about at home, except for one week where I repeated the pattern in Bulgaria.

Tonight comes the epitome of my lathargy as I spent the whole evening playing Call 0f Duty on my brother’s newly-returned-home Xbox 360. Now, we have not yet hooked it up with Xbox live, and so the game’s sole purpose in my household is the Single Player Campaign mode. The loneliest of campaigns. Without realising, I had indulged in 5 hours’ gameplay. It seemed like only 1 or 2. I’ve done what I never sought out to do; I’ve spent a whole evening struggling to kill virtual Russians and reading clever quotes about war and patriotism.

By the way, the quotes come up every time you die in the game. I wouldn’t say I’m bad at the game, but I managed to read all of the available quotes.

So, tonight comes a revelation for the rest of my summer. The excessive gaming is out, to be replaced by sun, sea, sand, girls, and other things I like on my skin. I shall not squint at a TV in the dark, but at the sun as it reflects off my ice-cream, onto my beach ball, back to the tennis racket, before bouncing off all sorts of summery items and into my eyes…you get the idea.

So, here’s to the death of “square eyes”. I shall reduce my exposure to square screens…
Apart from my laptop, of course…I need to keep this blog up.

S. x

*Probably the longest summer, as in longest time between leaving education/work and returning to it. In this case, last exam to going to uni.


It’s been a while :)

Hello readers! (if I still have any)
right, it’s another exam season, so I’m hoping my blog entries will be like footballers: coming thick and fast.

ok, that wasn’t the best joke, simile, or form of any language whatsoever
but yeah, I’ll be back with gracious tales, and reminiscant rants

also, a few changes…”Peace” is gone, due to a recent ‘mad hippie’ comparison
also, to ‘spice things up’ (as if it’s not already a rollercoaster ride…) i’ve been set the challenge of naming each post after a song, like i have done already once or twice
If you can write the artist as a comment….then well done you.


ps. WARNING: The content of the blog contains strong sarcasm, and snide generalisable cultural references.


Güten Tag, boyos!

Hello. This is Sam’s blog thing. I try to put up daily pages. (They’ll be up above, under the title)

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